A King and His Throne

Sunday, March 1, 2015 Discuss on the forums

Greetings again from the LTD 2 team! Spring is sneaking up on us and we’ve been making exciting headway all across the board. Today, we want to focus on a character that you’ll put everything on the line for. Today, we want to show you the King.


As you know, the King is the centerpiece of every game… only one will survive. In the original LTD, the King had a somewhat generic feel and very little story to indicate why he was worth protecting. We’re making a big effort with LTD 2 to make the kings into characters worthy of the game.

We don’t want to go too far into background and lore just yet, but we do want to show you where the King will reside. Check out some concept art for the king’s throne room below!


In addition, this month we’ve been modeling the environment and making some big steps forward on sound. March will be one of the busiest months yet and we look forward to more major leaps and bounds for content. As always, stay tuned for updates!

Also of note: this week is the 2015 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco and several members of the AutoAttack Games team will be in attendance! We expect it to be a whirlwind couple of days with some great events and opportunities.

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