Upcoming Sale!
Legion TD 2 will be 50% off for 2 weeks starting on October 9th
(T2) Harpy
- Cost: 35 gold + 1 supply
- Movement type: Flying
- Health: 250 (Natural)
- Damage: 19 (Pierce)
- Attack speed: 0.8
- Range: 400 (Ranged)
- Mana: 100
Ability: Acrobatics
Starts with 0 mana but gains mana whenever it moves (approximately 10 mana per second of moving). Each 10 mana increases attack speed by 10%.
via Sketchfab
(T2U) Sky Queen
- Upgrade Cost: 165 gold + 1 supply
- Movement type: Flying
- Health: 1250 (Natural)
- Damage: 90 (Pierce)
- Attack speed: 0.8
- Range: 400 (Ranged)
- Mana: 200
Ability: Acrobatics
Starts with 0 mana but gains mana whenever it moves (approximately 10 mana per second of moving). Each 10 mana increases attack speed by 10%.
Ability: Crimson Claws
Gains 1 mana each time it attacks
via Sketchfab
- Turkish!
- Thank you to everyone who contributed. Badges will be given out this patch to Latvian, Polish, and Turkish translators
- Some languages are not fully up-to-date. We are very close to finalizing our improved workflow for updating languages. Stay tuned for an announcement
Melee Targeting
- Fixed a bug where melee units wouldn’t always target the units that aggroed them first if all targets had been attacking them for longer than 10 seconds (most noticeable on boss waves)
Gameplay Stability
- Fixed a bug where units were able to kill allies via buffs that applied max-health damage (aka Vampire). This fixes a rare case where a player who leaked a wave wouldn’t be considered as having leaked that wave. This happened if your last unit was killed by the damage from Vampire. This caused some unintended behavior, like leaks being caught in a ‘warp loop’ because the game thought your fighters were still in combat.
Client Stability
- Loading Screen: added another failsafe & more debugging information
- Improved how the matchmaker handles some edge cases
- Higher tolerance when fewer players are online
- Now much faster for players rated below 900
- After a match is formed, you have a 50% chance to be on the East Team or West Team (before, it was purely determined by ratings)
- Fixed a bug where bots would sometimes not build anything
- Bots are now smarter about using Sea Serpents/Deepcoilers
Interface Fixes
- Fixed a bug where if you canceled your matchmaking search & requeued within 1 second, the search window would be hidden but you’d still be in queue
- Fixed a bug where the Legion Spells window would display as cracked (used spell) when it should have been active/filling up the bar
- Fixed a bug where the Legion Spells sound effect would play twice
Game Chat
- Fixed a bug where typing “/all” didn’t work if it wasn’t all lowercase (it would swallow up your message since it thought you were typing an invalid command)
- Typing an invalid command will now write a warning message to the console
Instead of typing “/all” we recommend using Shift+Enter
Light on the balance changes this patch as there hasn’t been enough time since the last patch.
- Fixed a bug where the King would sometimes be slow to attack the first target, especially on ranged waves (King has been stretching every morning and is now more nimble)
- Health: 130 -> 120
Sea Serpent
- Health: 760 -> 740
- Health: 2250 -> 2200
Fixed an abuse case with Sea Serpents/Deepcoilers in which you built them in the far bottom of the lane. This fix went live on October 7.
- Health: 2100 -> 2150
- DPS: 44.6 -> 36.7 – Attack speed: 1.35 -> 1.11
- Anti-Air Turret removed
- New ability: Machine Gunner: Deals 10 damage every 0.5 seconds to a nearby ground unit
Priestess of the Abyss
- Health: 1400 -> 1500
- Invigorate: Heal: 10% missing health -> 15%
- Fixed a bug where her attack speed was lower than expected when buffed by Invigorate and Mind Warp simultaneously or Invigorate, Energize, and Mythium Core simultaneously
- Damage: 168 -> 174
- Hydraling: Damage: 56 -> 58
- Damage: 115 -> 160
- Cleave: 50% (30% to flying) -> 50%
- Cleave: Now hits a maximum of 5 targets
v2.39a (Fixes only)
- Fixed a bug where bots would push workers on the same wave the opponents sent
- Fixed a bug where bots taking over for leavers sometimes wouldn’t build (and would actually cause the game to lag)
- Now smarter about overbuilding & not pushing workers against a long save
- Now smarter about placing sea serpents and harpies
- Refactored & reorganized logs for future bot debugging
If anyone is interested in helping test bots in the future, you can type -bot in debug mode to have a bot take over your lane.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes auras wouldn’t get applied if your lane aggroed too quickly (Aura targets are now computed at the start of the wave, rather than when the ability is cast)
- Fixed a bug where units with multiple auras would only use the targets of the first aura (e.g. a Leviathan with Hero - the Hero aura would mistakenly only affect flying units)
- Improved UI for when FairPlay is globally disabled (now hides alert status/mute status in lobby and in-game)
Chat Commands
- Fixed “-powerup” not showing the legion spell window