v3.17: Codex, New Legion Spells, & Game Modes

Monday, May 27, 2019 Discuss on the forums

Season 3 is Ending!

  • Season 3 officially ends Monday, June 24th
  • Ranked rewards are based on your peak rating this season
  • Details about season 3 rewards and season 4 coming soon

v3.17 Patch Notes

NEW! Codex

The codex is an in-game tool to view detailed information about units, the king, legion spells, emojis, and text commands. You can open the codex in the lobby or in-game by clicking a unit portrait in the top left.

NEW! Legions Spells

All Out Assault
- +100 mythium
- -15 income

- Designates a fighter as a Protector, granting +700 health and Protection Aura: Grants 3 flat damage reduction and 10 health regeneration to nearby allies while the Protector is alive (this is a traditional, old-school aura)

NEW! Custom Game Modes

  • Prophet: Your mastermind roll is auto-picked. You can pay gold to reroll any wave. Start with max supply cap.
  • Team Mercenaries: Mercenaries are distributed across the whole team, instead of attacking one player (like old school Legion TD)
  • Fog: Turns on fog of war during the day. Leaks reveal the King area.

Game modes can be toggled by the host of a custom game:

Game Fixes & Improvements

- Significantly improved recommended value bar: better visuals and more accurate values

- Classic queue is now fairer; player positions are sorted by rating whenever possible. This means that the strongest player on the west team will always attack the strongest player on the east team, instead of sometimes having the stronger players bully weaker players.

Quality of Life
- Improved sound mixing in big battles
- New Sound option: Mute sound when minimized (on/off - on by default)
- Changed Nekomata’s Spirit Offering sound effect to be more subtle
- Custom games now show rating icon next to your name
- Improved text color readability for some player names in the HUD

- Translation Google Sheets are now alphabetically sorted, in addition to sorted by category
- Translations Google Sheets are now up to date for v3.17

If you’d like to help translate the game, check out LegionTD2.com/translate

Match Canceled Improvements
- Fixed a bug where players weren’t properly penalized for causing a match to be canceled
- Now shows a warning popup for the player who caused the match to be canceled, so it is more clear that their account got penalized
- Now more heavily punishes players who afk/quit/don’t build after rerolling twice in Classic queue (these players usually rage-quit because they didn’t like their rolls)
- In Ranked, now gives +1 rating to all players who stayed (excludes players in the same party as any of the punished players, as well as players rated 2000+ to prevent abuse)

These changes should significantly reduce the number of ties in Classic queue and make ties less frustrating

- Fixed a possible edge case where a wave wouldn’t end if two units killed an enemy in the same tick
- Improved antistuck failsafe to detect when there are no creeps remaining (it will force end the wave)

- Slightly improved server performance: optimized buff recalculations to be calculated only once per tick
- Improved client performance while in lobby: terrain & doodads are now hidden after quitting a game

Other Fixes
- Fixed a bug with reconnecting in Ranked where you wouldn’t have any rolls if you disconnected in the loading screen
- Fixed card and achievement texts
- Fixed lobby player count
- Fixed mini-scoreboard bug where gold gained from enemy leaks displayed incorrect values
- Fixed post-game stats bug where Nekomata showed the wrong value when upgraded
- Fixed post-game stats bug where the layout was glitched when playing only one player
- Fixed a variety of HUD glitches
- Application is now properly named “Legion TD 2” instead of “Legion TD 2 Alpha”

Game Balance

The general goal of this patch is to encourage more offense playstyles and slightly reduce average game time. Because it’s the end of the season, we went somewhat conservative with the changes to nudge things in the right direction. If the changes are positive, we’ll consider more aggressive changes in v4.00.

Legion Spells

Dark Ritual
- Gold: 135 -> 130

- Life Steal & Spell Vamp: 15% -> 20%


Upgrade Attack
- Damage: 10% -> 9%

Upgrade Spell
- Damage: 10% -> 8%

Nerfing more defensive/passive playstyles

- Damage: Buffed by 0% on wave 1, scaling to 2.5% on wave 21
- Spells: Buffed by 0% on wave 1, scaling to 5% on wave 21
- Chain Frost: Projectile speed: 6000 -> 7000

Compensation for the nerfs to king upgrades. The king is still overall weaker most of the time.


Dark Mage
- Improved Mindwarp AI. Now no longer casts when aggroed if aggroed enemies are still very far forward (more than 6 vertical spaces away). This was previously causing Mind Warp to cast too early with “separated” builds, usually involving Sky Queen or Great Boar.

- Boost: Attack speed: 90% -> 95%

- Stimpack: Attack speed: 100% -> 105%

Masked Spirit
- Health: 250 -> 220

False Maiden
- Health: 850 -> 750

Hell Raiser
- Health: 1750 -> 1550

- Attack speed: 1.6 -> 1.587

- Range: 250 -> 100

Gargoyle being melee makes it easier to position to properly tank and upgrade to Green Devil. While technically a number nerf, this is effectively a buff in most situations

Green Devil
- Health: 780 -> 690
- Damage: 41 -> 47
- New ability: Granite Skin: Takes 60% reduced damage
- Removed Stone Skin (50% damage reduction)
- Removed Lacerate (damage amplification)

Sky Queen
- Health: 1250 -> 1310
- Damage: 83 -> 84

- Health: 1460 -> 1700
- Attack speed: 0.97 -> 0.935
- Cell Regrowth: Regeneration: 0.5% max health -> 0.5% missing health

- Health: 3780 -> 4300
- Attack speed: 0.89 -> 0.935
- Cell Regrowth: Regeneration: 0.5% max health -> 0.5% missing health

Slight nerf early game, significant buff late game

- Health: 2150 -> 2300
- Damage: 86 -> 78
- Lightning Strike: Damage: 150 -> 120 + 1% of max health (0.5% to bosses)
- Lightning Strike: Area of effect: 300 -> 500

Weaker early game, but now scales into late game and is less likely to waste the spell against tank mercenaries

- Fragrance: Damage: 10 + 0.1% max health -> 11 + 0.15% max health

- Health: 2700 -> 2600
- Aerial Command: Damage increase: 3 + 12% -> 4 + 12%

- Leech: Lifesteal: 12% -> 14%

Head Chef
- Cannibalism: Lifesteal: 18% -> 21%

Ocean Templar
- Health: 1750 -> 1600
- Resonance: Health regeneration: 25 -> 15 + 1% of missing health

Shifting some of Ocean Templar’s power back into late game

Great Boar
- Health: 3200 -> 3160
- Damage: 59 -> 57

Red Eyes
- Health: 8130 -> 8000
- Damage: 148 -> 144

Fire Lord
- Health: 1750 -> 1650
- New ability: Overheat: Deals 1% bonus damage for each 2% missing mana
- Removed Intellect (mana restore on kill)

Making Fire Lord work more like Fenix and synergize stronger with Dark Mage’s Mind Warp and Vampire

- Health: 3200 -> 3800
- Removed Intellect (mana restore on kill)


In general, games are a bit too defensive and income-heavy, so we’re encouraging more aggressive playstyles with buffs to low-income mercenaries

- Health: 760 -> 780
- Damage: 45 -> 49
- Maul: Attack speed slow: 10% -> 8%

Making Brute a more versatile early aggressive send

- Damage: 35 -> 36

Safety Mole
- Health: 1250 -> 1260
- Damage: 60 -> 61

Pack Leader
- Health: 1770 -> 1800
- Damage: 90 -> 92

- Health: 2330 -> 2350
- Attack speed: 0.606 -> 0.613

Ghost Knight
- Health: 2350 -> 2400
- Damage: 159 -> 160

Four Eyes
- Damage: 70 -> 72


Buffing late game waves to help games close out before 20

(15) Quadrapuses
- Attack speed: 0.86 -> 0.88

(16) Cardinals
- Health: 1930 -> 1950
- Attack speed: 0.93 -> 0.94

(17) Metal Dragons
- Health: 3150 -> 3200

(18) Wale Chiefs
- Health: 3950 -> 4000
- Attack speed: 0.76 -> 0.77

(19) Dire Toad
- Health: 4150 -> 4300

(21) Legion Lords
- Attack speed: 1.06 -> 1.1

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