The moment we’ve all been waiting for: SHOP & GUILDS are here! Before diving into the details, we wanted to reflect on how the game has evolved over the years.
As a 4-person indie team, we’re thankful to have such a supportive community and are excited to continue growing and improving the game. Cheers!
Now, let’s talk about the shop and guilds. The shop offers a variety of character skins, collectible cards, mastermind options, and special builders… with more to come!
The shop uses two currencies: essence and premium essence. Essence is earned by playing games. Essence gain is enabled in ranked, classic, featured, play vs. AI, and custom games with multiple human players. You can also gain essence via:
- First win of the day
- Beating the Weekly Challenge
- Leveling up
- High behavior score
- Selling cards
- Hosting tournaments
You will keep all essence you’ve accumulated before the shop’s release
Premium essence can be purchased in the shop. It can also be gained by:
- Leveling up your guild
- Winning tournaments
Cards are collectibles that have a chance of dropping each time you get a kill. Cards increase your collection value and can be used as avatars, sold for essence, or donated to your guild.
Card drops are enabled in ranked, classic, featured, and play vs. AI. Each game you play without finding a card gives you 1 pity point. Each pity point increases your drop rate by 1%. For example, after 150 games without a card, you will have +150% (or 2.5x) drop rate.
This patch also introduces 39 new cards. Instead of being standalone avatars, all waves now have cards, including Scorpion King, Giant Quadrapus, Legion King, and Blob.
Duplicate cards now have special value. 3 cards of the same type give the card a silver trim, and 10 cards give it a gold trim. When that card is equipped, the special trim applies to your avatar and everywhere your avatar is displayed, including your profile and in-game.
Secret Cards
Secret cards are a very rare type of card that have a chance of dropping when certain events happen in game. As a sneak peek, here are some events:
This is Fine
Has a chance to drop when all players leak 80%+
C H O N K Y Nekomata
Has a chance to drop when Nekomata devours 10 enemies on the same wave
The rest of the events are hidden and can only be discovered as players find secret cards, or as they are revealed by the card trader (more on that soon).
Card Trader
The card trader is Legion TD 2’s newest addition to the family. Every week, he offers 24 random cards with the following rarities: 10 uncommon, 7 rare, 4 epic, 2 legendary, 1 secret. When you unlock a card, you receive one of the 24 cards at random, each with equal probability. May the odds be ever in your favor.
Hovering that week’s secret card will reveal how to achieve it in-game, but your best chance is with the card trader.
Mastermind Options
Mastermind options are a new gameplay mechanic that allow you to spec into different playstyles. This mechanic replaces the ability to pay income to reroll on wave 1. Each game, you select one mastermind option:
- Redraw: +3 income, and you may redraw your initial roll up to two times for free
- Lock-in Fighter: +3 income, and you may lock-in a fighter of your choice
- Greed: +5 income
Redraw is similar to old mastermind, with the advantage of being able to redraw for free (instead of paying income). It’s recommended if:
- You have strong preferences for certain rolls
- You liked mastermind as it was
- Multiple units synergize with one of the available legion spells
Lock-in Fighter is the default option and something all players start with. It’s recommended if:
- There’s a unit you can’t live without
- You’re still learning all the units
- A unit synergies with one of the available legion spells
Greed is greed. It’s recommended if:
- You’re versatile and can play with any roll
- You live life on the edge
Mastermind options are unlockable with essence to help players progress and learn mastermind at a good pace. Veteran players will be able to unlock all mastermind options immediately.
Special Builders
Special builders can be picked in place of a legion or mastermind. They are playable in classic, featured, play vs. AI, and custom games. On release, the shop offers Chaos and Hybrid builders, and we plan to design more.
- Start with a random roll. One fighter from each tier
- At the start of every battle phase, get a new random roll
- +5 income
- Build tiers instead of fighters. Each time you build a tier, get a random fighter from that tier
- Cost of each tier is lower than the average cost of each fighter in that tier
- Sell units for 80% instead of 60%. Sell Eggsack for 95%
All players that are currently level 5+ are given the Chaos and Hybrid builders for free.
Guilds are a way to form communities, compete, and earn rewards. Each guild member has a role:
- Leader: The top dog. Can perform all guild-related actions.
- Officer: Can invite new members, kick members, and edit member titles
- Member
Guilds also have levels. Each time a guild member is added, wins a game, or donates a card, your guild gains experience. You and your guild earn rewards as your guild levels up. Fully unlocked guilds have custom titles, custom emblems, and a maximum of 30 members. At level 10 and for each subsequent level, every member of your guild earns 100 premium essence.
When a player donates a card to their guild, the player gains Contribution. Contribution permanently increases your essence gain. The donated card contributes to the guild’s level and can be used as the guild’s avatar. 15 or 50 of the same card gives the guild’s avatar a silver or gold trim.
Guild Emblems
Guild emblems are customizable images that show up in-game for all guild members at the bottom of your lane. Use responsibly.
Guild Wars
Guild Wars occur every Saturday from 9am to 1pm PST (6pm to 10pm CET). During Guild Wars, each time you win a ranked, classic, or featured game, your guild earns victory points:
- 5 victory points for each of your first three wins
- 15 victory points for your fourth win
You can earn victory points playing solo, partying with guild members, or partying with non-guild members. The ten guilds with the most victory points earn guild experience and bragging rights. The winning guild earns more experience and a spot on the Guild War wins leaderboard.
The first Guild War begins Saturday December 12 at 9am PST / 6pm CET.
For players in Asian and Oceanic time zones, we understand these hours aren’t ideal for you and plan to host some future events at more favorable times.
Skins are special cosmetic changes to units. Depending on the skin’s tier, this includes a new texture design, new VFX, and a different model with new accessories. On release, the shop offers 28 skins with the following rarities: 6 standard, 16 rare, 2 epic, and 4 Kickstarter-exclusive… with more to come!
We’re so happy to bring you the shop and guilds. Any money spent goes directly towards improving the game and allows us to continue working full-time on Legion TD 2. Thank you for your support.
Steam Promotion
On December 4th, starting at 10am PST / 7pm CET, Legion TD 2 will be featured on the front page of Steam. We’re expecting an influx of new players, returning players, and increased activity. If you can play or stream on the weekend of December 4th-6th, it would be awesome!
** Masters Cup 7**
The Masters Cup is our semi-annual official Legion TD 2 tournament. Compete against the world’s best players!
- Free sign-up
- $500 prize pool + in-game badges for top 3 teams
- Select games are streamed and casted
Sign up as a team or individually. Must be 1700+ Elo. The first 60 players to sign up will be guaranteed a spot; the rest will be waitlisted. See the official tournament thread for details and sign-up instructions.
To watch, tune in to on December 12 and 13 at 6pm CET / 9am PST.
Weekly Legion Smash
SourLemon is hosting a tournament every Sunday at 5am PST / 2pm CET
- Two 5€ Steam gift cards to the winning team
- Must be Bronze, Silver, or Gold rank to participate
Last week’s tournament was a huge success. Limited spots available, so sign up as a team now.
[CoRe] Gaming Tournament
Previent from CoRe Gaming is hosting a tournament on Sunday, December 6 at 10am PST / 7pm CET
- Two $10 Steam gift cards to the winning team
- Must be Bronze, Silver, or Gold rank to participate
Limited spots available, so sign up as a team now.
Patch Notes
Game Improvements
Dodging Games
- FairPlay penalty doubled
- Elo penalty: 4 >> 6
We’re seeing too much intentional game dodging, especially in high Elo
Special Commands
- Added -damage and -damagetaken commands, in addition to -dps and -lifetime. Type them in-game during the build phase
- Fixed a bug with -dps not working properly for units with summons
- You can now click a build in the Postgame Builds tab to copy it to your clipboard. To load it, start a Sandbox game, type -load, and paste the text in
- Now smarter about using Pyro
- Now smarter about playing against Giant Snail
- Now smarter about properly valuing when an enemy player Treasure Hunts
- Takeover bots: Fixed a bug where they would be too eager to place a new aura instead of upgrading an existing one
- Takeover bots: Slightly stronger preference to upgrade existing fighters instead of building new ones
Weekly Challenge
- Scoring system changed to count 1 point for each 1 extra gold (should be easier to understand this way)
- Fixed a bug where selling a Hydra crashed the game
- Fixed a bug where Grarl, King Claw, and Ocean Templar accidentally used Delicacy instead of 100% Sell
- The Steam page is now translated into Korean
If you’d like to help improve in-game translations, please visit
- Added numbers and additional details to pre-selection tooltips for Giant Snail, Hero, Magician, Protector, Pulverizer, Sorcerer, Vampire, and Villain
Game Coach
- Now smarter about when to suggest training fewer workers
- Improved clarity of warnings to help players improve their behavior
- Improved lighting during build phase (less intense blue light)
- Added a sound for Pulverize
- Improved transitions between background music & special themes
Country Flags
- Added new icons, which are optimized for smaller resolutions. Should be smoother looking than the previous ones.
- Fixed leak % calculation for wave 21 (it was based on health before, but is now correctly based on bounty)
- Fixed a profile bug where “New!” text would display excessively when switching between different accounts on the same computer
- Inviting to party now no longer requires an extra confirmation (it was unintended to have the extra confirmation screen)
- Fixed a bug where post-game Power Score wouldn’t take into account mythium that you sent during the final wave (that the game ended on) after the wave already spawned
- Fixed a very rare bug where the wave wouldn’t be treated as cleared after all enemies died. Thank you to n0rserman for the bug report
Game Balance
Chaos Builder
- You now get new rolls at the start of this wave’s battle phase instead of the start of next wave’s build phase. This gives you more time to plan ahead
Dual Building
- Haste: Attack speed buff to enemy units: 5% >> 3%
- Now smarter about target selection on waves 5, 10, 15, 20, and 21
- Fixed a bug where Judgment would fail to cast in some situations on the 4v4 map
Legion Spells
Lizard Army
- Mythium: +35 >> +40
Giant Snail
- Health: 490 >> 470
- Damage: 21 >> 20
Guardian Angel
- Maximum life on revive: 2100 >> 1900
- Damage and damage reduction: 6.5% >> 6.25%
Pawn Shop
- Gold: +80 >> +85
- Health: 650 >> 700
- Protection Aura: Regeneration: 0.5% >> 0.6%
- No longer works on revived Eternal Wanderer and Samurai Soul
- Fixed a bug where the Protector buff would remain on summoned units even if they were no longer in aura range or the aura caster died
- Now also gains +10% attack speed
- Mana regeneration: 22% >> 21%
- Ability damage: 19% >> 18%
- Health: 1350 >> 1300
- No longer works on revived Eternal Wanderer amd Samurai Soul
- Lifesteal and ability vamp: 21% >> 20%
- Anaphylaxis: Damage: 60 >> 50
Pick rate: Average
Win rate: 50.8%
Masked Spirit
- Health: 180 >> 160
False Maiden
- Health: 710 >> 670
Hell Raiser
- Health: 1590 >> 1500
Pick rate: High
Win rate: 53%
- Health: 160 >> 150
- Health: 830 >> 780
Pick rate: High
Win rate: 51%
- Health: 450 >> 460
- Attack speed: 0.877 >> 0.9
Pick rate: Very low
Win rate: 49.7%
- Attack speed: 0.88 >> 0.9
Partially reverting Nekomata’s last nerf
Pick rate: High
Win rate: 48.5%
- Health: 930 >> 950
This brings Zeus back to the health it had when it was a stronger opening, notably in high Elo
- DPS: unchanged
-- Damage: 38 >> 19
-- Attack speed: 1.22 >> 2.44
This change makes Pyro a bit stronger on its own but more vulnerable to Safety Mole. It also thematically brings Pyro back as a fast-attacking flamethrower
Pick rate: Low
Win rate: 50.4%
Sky Queen
- DPS: 70.7 >> 72.5
-- Damage: 92 >> 87
-- Attack speed: 0.77 >> 0.83
A higher base attack speed also allows Sky Queen to ramp up faster
Pick rate: Very low
Win rate: 50.6%
Sea Serpent
- Health: 580 >> 570
- Attack speed: 0.91 >> 0.89
Pick rate: High
Win rate: 51.4%
Gateguard / Harbinger
- Mana regen increased by 10%
Pick rate: Average
Win rate: 47.1%
- Damage: 50 >> 65
- Aerial Command: Damage increase: 6 + 18% >> 18%
Aerial Command is way too strong, especially for being on a tier 3 fighter and stacking twice
Pick rate: Low
Win rate: 51.7%
- Lightning Strike: Damage: 120 + 0.3% (0.15% to bosses) >> 120 + 0.1% (0.05% to bosses)
Pick rate: High
Win rate: 52.6%
- Health: 1700 >> 1740
- DPS: 46 >> 45
-- Damage: 54 >> 53
-- Attack speed: 0.87 >> 0.85
- Health: 4300 >> 4400
Pick rate: High
Win rate: 49%
Sacred Steed
- DPS: 29.3 >> 27.5
-- Damage: 34 >> 33
-- Attack speed: 0.86 >> 0.83
- Health: 2500 >> 2550
- Attack speed: 0.86 >> 0.83
Pick rate: Extremely high
Win rate: 49.2%
Lost Chieftain
- Gaia Shield: Health gain: 1350 >> 1500
- Fixed a bug where Gaia Shield would be wrongly cast on summoned units when built near the top of the lane
Pick rate: Average
Win rate: 47.2%
- Health: 2180 >> 2300
- Damage: 92 >> 95
Pick rate: Average
Win rate: 50%
Head Chef
- Health: 3050 >> 3400
- Damage: 112 >> 124
Pick rate: High
Win rate: 47.2%
Sand Badger
- Health: 2550 >> 2520
_Pick rate: High
Win rate: 52.2%
A light change, as the wave 7 and 14 nerfs indirectly nerf Sand Badger_
**Ocean Templar
- Health: 2000 >> 2200
- Damage: 160 >> 165
- Resonance: 2% max health regeneration >> 1% missing health regeneration + 20% damage reduction from magic damage
Pick rate: Extremely High
Win rate: 49.5%
Priestess of the Abyss
- Health: 970 >> 950
As players have learned how to position Priestess, she has become one of the strongest openings in the game in high Elo. With nerfs to other strong openings like Atom and a shift in power from wave 7 to 8, we’re doing some small preemptive nerfs to her
Pick rate: Average
Win rate: 50%
- Attack speed: 1.26 >> 1.23
- Health: 6100 >> 6280
Shifting some power from Berserker to Fatalizer
Pick rate: Average
Win rate: 51.2%
- Health: 2670 >> 2610
- Damage: 114 >> 111
- Hydraling: Health 890 >> 870
- Hydraling: Damage: 38 >> 37
Pick rate: Low
Win rate: 54.2%
- DPS: Unchanged
-- Damage: 350 >> 300
-- Attack speed: 0.41 >> 0.48
Doomsday Machine
- Health: 5550 >> 5600
- DPS: 347 >> 351
-- Damage: 850 >> 740
-- Attack speed: 0.41 >> 0.48
- Detonation: Now correctly deals 120 damage to flying units (wrongly dealt 100 damage)
Pick rate: Very Low
Win rate: 50.5%
- Health: 4250 >> 4300
- Damage: 290 >> 295
Pick Rate: Low
Win rate: 49.1%
Red Eyes
- Health: 8130 >> 8300
- Damage: 159 >> 161
- Thunderous Charge: Damage increased by 2.5%
Pick rate: Very low
Win rate: 50.4%
- Witchcraft: Now also gains mana when Imps die
(7) Sludges
- Attack speed: 0.7 >> 0.69
(8) Kobras
- Attack speed: 1.11 >> 1.12
(14) Killer Slugs
- Health: 1980 >> 1950
(17) Metal Dragons
- Attack speed: 1.68 >> 1.695
(19) Dire Toads
- Attack speed: 2.7 >> 2.74